"Animating Life" at the Portland Art Museum
In case it wasn’t already evident from the fact that I operate an art gallery out of a birdhouse in my front yard, as a child I spent most of my time in an imaginary world of my own making. And I can say without a doubt that visiting an exhibition like Animating Life: The Art, Science, and Wonder of LAIKA - and seeing firsthand that there are grownups tasked with making imaginary worlds into reality - would have changed my life. I have worked behind-the-scenes with some incredible museums (including the Walt Disney Family Museum), I’ve seen LAIKA’s puppets and costumes up-close at various exhibitions and events over the years, and I have colleagues, friends, and neighbors who have worked at the LAIKA studio, yet I was still utterly unprepared for the absolute flat-out childlike wonder and awe I felt as I stepped into the gallery. These photos don’t do it justice...this show is a must-see for anyone who’s ever loved an imaginary world. Animating Life is on view at the Portland Art Museum through May 20, 2018. Comments are closed.
September 2021